
Edward Dhyanavan Anthony

Born in Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA, and grew up as an only child of divorced parents with addictive personalities.  The beginning of adverse childhood trauma that was the root cause of my eventual addictions, maladjusted behaviors, and emotional challenges throughout my life.

In 1992, after addressing my behaviors with 12 step programs, I finally started practicing yoga and meditation.  From 1993-96, I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bolivia, and upon returning to the US, I became a husband and father.

From 2000 to 2008, after 8 years in recovery, it was at this time when I truly began the spiritual journey and committed to becoming certified as an Advanced Hatha Yoga Instructor (Archaya) at Yogi Hari’s Ashram, FL. (RYT 500)

At the end of 2012, I moved to California during a divorce, and after a company layoff.  Fortunately, I relied on meditation, qigong, and yoga to transform negative emotions to uplift my self-esteem to adopt, adapt, and adjust to a new lifestyle in the San Francisco Bay Area.

During this transformation, I became a Reiki Master Teacher, taught yoga in Ayurveda clinics, and ventured into a whole new realm of healing and transformation. In 2013, a colleague introduced me to the teachings and practices of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.

Over the next 8 years, I attended many of Master Sha’s workshops, healing events, and spiritual retreats all over the world. After learning many ancient spiritual soul-healing techniques, eventually I became a Master Teacher at Master Sha’s Tao Academy in 2021.

Awareness of the Divine allowed me to experience my own connection with the spiritual realms, spiritual teachers, and heaven’s guides. This fortified a deep, personal connection with Shifus, Kuan Yin, the goddess of compassion, and other Holy Saints whom I honor and serve with their healing power and connection. Apart from soul healing and teaching, my purpose is to help others to be happier, healthier, and empowered through workshops, events, free online sessions, and 1:1 consultations.

Returning to Plymouth MA in 2022, I started a soul healing business so that I can help others who have also suffered mental and emotional trauma at a young age, or who have experienced severe depression, sadness or grief of losing a loved one, loneliness, feelings of unworthiness, and lack of self-love and purpose. This inspired me to establish Nature’s Way – Health and Wellness to teach, guide and heal others in these self healing arts and sciences.

Through my own personal experience, I’ve come to understand living our lives can be challenging if you’ve suffered like most have.   These Arts and Sciences of Self-Healing, Transformation and Rejuvenation from Dr and Master Sha could allow you to experience inner joy, peace, and serenity through the power of Love and Light and Master Sha’s Tao Technologies – Tao Calligraphy, 10 Das, Breathwork – Xi Qing Hu Zhuo, Universal Meditation, chanting Mantras, and more.

Every day, I am compelled to go deeper into purification practices to heal and transform my own life. With Master Sha’s Tao Technologies, I am able to experience deeper insights, deeper spiritual connection, including observations of unconditional love for myself, others, and the Divine. 

If you seek to heal, transform, and rejuvenate yourself, and prolong your life, you may be interested in these modalities.

Master Sha states: “I have the power to heal myself, you have the power to heal yourself, together we have the power to heal the world.”

  • Credentials with Master Sha:
  • Advanced Tao Hands Practitioner
  • Open Spiritual Channels – Intuitive Reader
  • Soul Teacher and Healer
  • Guan Yin Lineage Holder
  • Tao Calligraphy Master Practitioner / Soul Healer
  • Tao Song Healer
  • Master Teacher with Tao Academy

Other notable achievements:

  • Edward received a BS in Business Management from University of Massachusetts, master’s degrees in international business administration from World Learnings, School for International Training, and in Montessori Primary and Secondary Education, from Barry University, Miami Shores, FL
  • Credentialss in Other Self-Healing Modalities:
  • Advanced Hatha Yoga Instructor (Archaya) – RYT 500 – Honorable Guruji Yogi Hari disciple of Master Sivananda
  • Advanced Medical Qigong Therapist- Longevity Center, San Jose, CA with Arnold E. Tayam, Prof., D.M.Q. (China), Founder and Director
  • Neigong and Yi Quan Neigong’ styles (Bian Hua Gong – Zheng Yi Taoist Temple) – Professor Jerry Alan Johnson

Contact Us

Edward Anthony, Soul Healer & Master Teacher
Email: info@natureswayhealthandwellness.net
Phone: 510-813-3588